Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Discover Northern Ireland in the scenery of Game Of Thrones

Découvrir l'Irland du nord avec Game Of Thrones

Game of Thrones is one of the most popular series of the time. The land of Westeros, where the plot takes place exists! We discovered it in Northern Ireland. Above Dunluce Castle. Some ruins qi command respect, the case of Dunluce Castle, County Antrim on the northeast coast. Built in the sixteenth century by Scottish nobles, Dunluce Castle sits on top of an impressive cliff. The former inhabitants say that the kitchen of the castle would have collapsed, throwing overboard 7 cooks.

Découvrir l'Irland du nord avec Game Of Thrones

In the Game of Thrones series, Dunluce Castle is the castle of Pyke, in Îles de Fer (Iron islands).

Découvrir l'Irland du nord avec Game Of Thrones

Ballintoy. A quelques kilomètres de Dunluce Castle, en direction de l'Est, cet endroit ne manque pas de charme et sert également de décor aux Iron Islands. Ballintoy est un minuscule port de pêche, en bas d’une petite route sinueuse. Les falaises sont éventrées laissant apparaître un peu partout des grottes et cavités.

Découvrir l'Irland du nord avec Game Of Thrones

Theon Greyjoy landed at Ballintoy to see his father. HBO, the production company has put everything on his side by choosing landscapes.

Découvrir l'Irland du nord avec Game Of Thrones

Murlough Bay, twenty miles south of Belfast. This place is difficult to access but, thus preserving it is perfect. Actress Michelle Fairley knows there: she had to swim as a child, well before interpreting Lady Stark. Like many natural settings of the series, it is soothing and offers beautiful walks.

Découvrir l'Irland du nord avec Game Of Thrones

Theon Greyjoy and her sister Asha through the campaign Murlough Bay then join Castle Pyke to Dunlunce.

Découvrir l'Irland du nord avec Game Of Thrones

On the small road between Cushendall and Cushendun, north of Belfast, motorhomes scroll to see the wildest Northern Ireland coast. There are caves accessible everywhere along the rocks. This is where the worrying Melisandre gives birth to Renly Baratheon assassinate shadow.

Découvrir l'Irland du nord avec Game Of Thrones

In addition to these images with Stannis Baratheon and Melisandre, cavalcades of Dothraki are also touring the Glens of Antrim.

Découvrir l'Irland du nord avec Game Of Thrones

Inch Abbey, south of Belfast. Lake front, the ruins of Inch Abbey still proud gaits. Full Irish countryside is a favorite place of locals. In Game Of Thrones, this is where Robb becomes the king of the northern lands. Abbey, you can see the Cathedral of Down. This is where lies Saint Patrick, proudly celebrated around the world.

Découvrir l'Irland du nord avec Game Of Thrones

Dark Hedges. The decor seems surreal but it is authentic and attracts many visitors. Forms tortured ancient trees involved in the intrigues of the series. One scene shows the young Arya, disguised as a boy, through the menacing forest. In fact, the forest is composed of two rows of trees along a road. Go under still gives little chills.

Château des Winterfell

Castle Ward, on the east coast of Northern Ireland. This is where it all began, to Winterfell, home of the Stark. This property of the eighteenth century can be visited. Nearby, park, boat rides, bike.

Découvrir l'Irlande du nord dans les décors Game Of Thrones

Castle Ward. It is even possible to practice archery on the very site of Brandon Stark was training.

 Découvrir l'Irlande du nord dans les décors Game Of Thrones

Giant's Causeway. The coastal road to the Causeway through incredible scenery. The huge rocks cut like steps to Giants are listed as World Heritage by UNESCO. One of the best known places in Northern Ireland has also its place in episodes of Game Of Thrones.

Chaussée des géants

The series Game of Thrones offers significant economic benefits for Northern Ireland who imagined, through its Office of Tourism, multiple trips to the scene of the shootings.

Carte des lieux de tournages

Chart of filming Game of Thrones. The menu offers a route along all odds cut from Northern Ireland.

Studio Titanic

The series Game of Thrones offers significant economic benefits for Northern Ireland who imagined, through its Office of Tourism, multiple trips to the scene of the shootings. Belfast to discover and enjoy an unforgettable tourist getaway in Northern Ireland, an exhibition Game of Thrones will be held from 11 to 15 June 2014. It will, among others, to sit on the famous Iron Throne. The exhibition will then be traveling. Also in Belfast, Titanic studios, where turn the interior scenes are not to be missed. Ireland Tourist Board - 01 70 20 00 20 -

By Hicham Bichr

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