Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Green Travel in future cities

Voyage dans les ville de demain1/ Utopian cities have always fantasize artists and writers. In 2050 the world population will reach 9 billion people, 60% will live in cities. Given the lack of space and energy, architectural firms seeking solutions, the results are sometimes surprising. Above, Urban Jungle in Hong Kong, a project that aims to increase green spaces in the city. The originality comes from the shape of the towers to save space. Ecology will also be present on all floors because all the buildings will be able to produce more energy than they consume.

 Voyage dans les villes du futur
2/ Signed by the architectural firm of Zaha Hadid Kartal Pendik, here perhaps downtown Istanbul again. It would replace a brownfield 555 hectares on the banks of the Bosphorus. The project includes a marina, hotels, a business center, cultural buildings housing and shops. The total area of the buildings would be 6 million m2.

Voyage dans les villes du futur 3/ Lilypad. La ville-nénuphar a été pensée au départ pour accueillir des réfugiés climatiques qui pourraient voir disparaître leurs pays à cause de la montée des eaux. Mais finalement, le concept adaptable dans presque toutes les baies du monde plait, bien au delà des réfugies. Ecopolis,d'une capacité de 50.000 habitants peut agrandir des villes qui manquent moins d'argent que d'espace. Complètement autonome en énergie, la ville traite et recycle tous les déchets.

4/ The new banks in Toronto. The city plans a major urban development on 800 hectares of brownfield project will last 25 years. The new waterfront will include 40,000 new homes, office space for 40,000 jobs and 300 acres of parks and recreational areas. Several new districts have sprung up: the case of East Bayfront and West Don Lands. The others will be completed by 2021 The huge project will cost 22 billion euros is considered the largest urban renewal plan in North America ever made.

Voyage dans les villes du futur 5/ Energy City is a new and high-tech city of Qatar. Situated on the outskirts of the capital, Doha, Energy City is revolutionary. Each of the 92 buildings will be LEED certified is to say, the highest quality available for the respect of sustainable development. The buildings will all be equipped with solar panels for self-sufficiency. True work of art made ​​of glass, wood and concrete high-tech building will cost nearly $ 2 billion. The first phase, which covers 720,000 m2, will host 20,000 people in 92 first buildings by 2016.
Voyage dans les villes du futur
6/ Lancé en 2007, en Colombie, Ciudad Verde et un projet d’urbanisation écologique qui doit s’achever en 2016, il est en cours de commercialisation. Cette ville en périphérie de Bogota est construite pour lutter contre l’exode rural massif que subit actuellement la Colombie et perturbe l'économie nationale. Le programme Macroproyectos est fait pour créer des petites villes en bordure des grands centres urbains. 42.000 maisons sont prévues pour loger 160.000 personnes dans un environnement luxuriant et moins pollué que le centre de Bogota.

Voyage dans les villes du futur 7/ Anti-Smog (Smog smog) is a project Bookmark Vincent Callebaut. It is to invent a new architecture that désasphyxier the neighborhood in which the structure is located. This project is located in the heart of the old industrial Paris, on the Ourcq Canal, (19th arrondissement). Two buildings make up the structure, tower, and The Solar Drop shaped drop. This last contains more than 250 m2 of photovoltaic cells on the roof that will capture the sun's rays to produce energy and be completely autonomous. The surplus will provide light at night in the neighborhood. Inside: a showroom result in a suspension with a 360 ° view of Paris garden.

Voyage dans les villes du futur 8/ Tianjin is the result of a collaboration between Singapore and the Middle Kingdom. The city under construction since 2007 will eventually 30 km2 green homes. Its center is a large urban park accessible to pedestrians and cyclists with a canal and a lake to hang out in their edges. This city of the future imagined 150 km from Beijing will accommodate 350,000 residents. Electricity used everywhere, including in cars will be provided by the first wind turbines in the city. This city laboratory of Chinese urban planning will be a model to be copied identically in other parts of China.

Voyage dans les villes du futur 9/ Built on an artificial island 56 km west of Seoul, South Korea, Songdo City covers six square kilometers taken from the sea. Behind a rather plain exterior lies a wealth of technology and innovation in all genres. Integrated into optical streets and buildings, high speed fiber to an eco-efficient and intelligent operational internet connection wherever you be .... Songdo is the example of the city of tomorrow, green sensors. It will be ready for use in 2016 and will cost a whopping $ 35 billion.

Voyage dans les villes du futur 10/ It's in the Geneva area that this project could emerge. Called Landscript these green dressed valleys will be spread over an area of ​​220 hectares in old factories replacement. Housing, sports and cultural facilities will complement the new dear to our Swiss friends ecological space.

By Hicham Bichr

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